Ein Film von Radu Jude. "Vernarbte Herzen" feierte seine Weltpremiere im Wettbewerb des Locarno Film Festival 2016 und gewann den Special Jury Prize und den Don Quijote Prize Des FICC/IFFS

Jahr:  2016

Länge: 141 min

Format:   1:1, 85

Produktionsland:  ROU, GER


  1. Emanuel, a twenty-year old young man suffering from bone tuberculosis, is admitted to a seaside sanatorium. A free adaptation of the writings of M. Blecher.
    "My whole effort consists of writing a good, readable book, but that may be too vague for you, so I will explain more. … It is a document of human value, applicable anywhere. Even in my search for character names I made sure to pick well-chosen names, with a general resonance. I will make it so that the reader does not wonder where it is all happening and cares only for the events and cases described. It is so riddled with harsh, heart-wrenching realities that I may have to give up some of them. …. There will be graver, more overwhelming realities, operating rooms, bandages changed in white, cold, terrifying clinic rooms and love stories between plaster-clad patients." (a fragment from a letter written by M. Blecher to poet Geo Bogza, 1936)


Eine Hi Film (Rumänien) Produktion in Koproduktion mit Komplizen Film (Deutschland) in Zusammenarbeit mit Bord Cadre Films, The Post Republic, entwickelt mit der Unterstützung von Cinemart, Sofia Meetings, gefördert von Romanian CNC, Studioul de Creație Cinematografică al Ministerului Culturii, Media Programm der EU und Eurimages, unterstützt von Cinema City, AdePlast SA, Covalact, Henkel Romania, Havas, Audi România, Metro Cash & Carry România, ING Bank România, Zenith Romania, Farmacia Dona, Libra Internet Bank, Clinica Medicală Hipocrat 2000 und HBO Europe.



Gabriel Spahiu


Lucian Teodor Rus


Ivana Mladenovic


Ilinca Hărnuț

Dr. Ceafalan

Șerban Pavlu

Mr. Lazar B.

Alexandru Dabija

Mrs. Bella B.

Dana Voicu


Marius Damian


Bogdan Cotleț

Marian Olteanu

Fernando Klabin

Adina Cristescu

Sarra Tsorakidis

Larisa Crunțeanu

Alexandru Bogdan


Buch und Regie

Radu Jude


Marius Panduru Rsc


Catalin Cristutiu


Cristian Niculescu


Dana Paparuz


Bianca Boeroiu


Jürg Lempen

Sound Design

Dana Bunescu


Ioana Draghici

Associate Producers

Jamal Zeinal Zade

Dan Wechsler


Jonas Dornbach, Janine Jackowski, Maren Ade (Komplizen Film)


Ada Solomon (Hi Film)


Locarno International Film Festival 2016

Wettbewerb: Special Jury Prize und Don Quijote Prize des FICC/IFFS

Hamburger Produzentenpreis für Europäische Kino-Koproduktionen

an Komplizen Film und Hi Film Productions

Haifa International Film Festival

Lobende Erwähnung

Mar del Plata International Film Festival

Silberner Astor für Beste Regie, Signis Award für den Besten Film im Wettbewerb und ADF Award für Beste Kamera


Locarno International Film Festival 2016, Wettbewerb

Sarajevo International Film Festival

Filmfest Hamburg

BFI London Film Festival

Vancouver International Film Festival

Festival du Nouveau Cinema Montreal

Busan International Film Festival

CinEast, the Central and Eastern European Film Festival

Warsaw International Film Festival

Film Fest Gent

Haifa International Film Festival

Mostra Sao Paolo International Film Festival

Viennale – Vienna International Film Festival

Kyiv International Film Festival Molodist


Leeds International Film Festival

Minsk International Film Festival

Thessaloniki International Film Festival

Seville International Film Festival

Taipei Golden Horse International Film Festival

Ljubljana International Film Festival

Tallin Black Nights Film Festival

Mar del Plata International Film Festival

International Film Festival of India in Goa

Making Waves: New Romanian Cinema, New York
